Granderson suggests that making sense of climate change and its responses at the community level demands attention to the champion cristiano ronaldo signature shirt cultural and political processes that shape how risk is conceived, prioritised and managed. For a discussion of gender issues related to climate change, see Section .. Ensemble simulation results for projected annual net primary productivity of rangelands as
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changing dietary patterns, and thus demand, have potentially important economic impacts . The gross value added from agriculture to the global economy was . trillion USD , from a global agriculture economy of . trillion USD. In , the FAO estimated an annual cost of . trillion USD for malnutrition . There are a range of ways that policy can intervene to stimulate change in the food system through agriculture, research and development, food standards, manufacture and storage, changing the food environment and access to food, changing practices to encourage or discourage trade Table .. Novel incentives can stimulate the market, for example, through reduction in waste or changes in diets to gain benefits from a health or sustainability direction. Different contexts with different needs will require different set of policies at local, regional and national levels. See Supplementary Material Section SM. for further champion cristiano ronaldo signature shirt discussion on expanded policies. Agriculture. The thrust of agricultural policies over the last years has been to increase productivity, even if at the expense of environmental sustainability . For example, in , of OECD support for agriculture was based on measures of output , of support was based on the current or historical area planted, herd size , and was payments linked to input prices. In a similar vein, non-OECD countries have promoted productivity growth for their agricultural sectors. Precision farming usually refers to optimising production in fields through site-specific choices of crop varieties, agrochemical application, precise water management , in given areas or threshold moistures and management of crops at a small scale . Precision agriculture has the potential to achieve higher yields in a more efficient and sustainable manner compared with traditional low-precision methods. In summary, there is high agreement that better assessment of BECCS mitigation potential would need to be based on increased regional, bottom-up studies of biomass potentials, socio-economic consequences , and environmental impacts in order to develop more realistic estimates . ure . shows the technical mitigation potentials of some scenarios of alternative diets examined in the literature. Stehfest were among the first to examine these questions.
They found that under the most extreme scenario, where no animal products are consumed at all, adequate food production in could be achieved on less land than is currently used, allowing considerable forest regeneration, and reducing land-based GHG emissions to one third of the reference ‘business-as-usual’ case for , a reduction of . GtCO-eq yr-. Springmann recently estimated similar emissions reduction potential of GtCO-eq yr from a vegan diet without animal-sourced foods. This defines the upper bound of the technical mitigation potential of demand side measures. , we estimate their total contribution to be roughly – of total anthropogenic emissions Table .. There is no post-AR assessment at the global level in terms of absolute emissions. Rather, several studies have recently investigated how the combined emissions within and outside the farm gate are embedded in food products and thus associated with specific dietary choices . Below important components of food systems emissions beyond the farm gate are discussed based on recent literature. The Global Commission on Adaptation, co-managed by World Resources Institute and the Global Center on Adaptation, seeks to accelerate adaptation action by elevating the political visibility of adaptation and focusing on concrete solutions . The Commission works to demonstrate that adaptation is a cornerstone of better development, and can help improve lives, reduce poverty, protect the environment, and enhance resilience around the world. The Commission is led by Ban Ki-moon, th Secretary-General of the United Nations, Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Kristalina Georgieva, CEO, World Bank. It is convened by countries and guided by commissioners. A global network of research partners and advisors provide scientific, economic, and policy analysis. There are some entrenched cultural beliefs and values that may be barriers to climate change adaptation. For instance, culture has been shown to be a major barrier to adaptation for the Fulbe ethnic group of Burkina Faso . Thus, it is important to understand how beliefs, values, practices and habits interact with the behaviour of individuals and collectivities that have to confront climate change .
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