identified in the Plastic Bags Directive are part of the preferred option of this initiative. The preferred option goes Floral green bay packers nfl summer vacation hawaiian shirt beyond these measures for some products, where good substitutes exist, by fully restricting their market access. The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund allows for finances a variety of
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results, linked in particular to under-resourced campaigns. A mandate on green procurement was thought to be a good way of increasing demand in the market for alternatives to SUPs. There was consent that a holisti balanced solution could be achieved by recognising shared responsibility amongst all stakeholders and employing a combination of measures that cut across reduction, reuse and recyclability. The omission of enforcement in the discussion was noted, with stakeholders arguing that revisions requested to the Waste Framework Directive would require littering to be made a criminal offence in all Member States. With regard to fishing gear, the implementation of the revised Control Regulation will improve the capacity for monitoring and Floral green bay packers nfl summer vacation hawaiian shirt analysing the extent to which fishing gear is returned or lost at sea. In line with the existing legislation, Members States take measures to accurately identify, quantify and track the number of fishing gear being deployed, monitored, set upon and recovered, including via satellite technology; and unique identifiers for fishing gear would allow for tracking and deriving estimates on effort levels. Over and above this, in accordance with the minimum requirements for Extended Producer Responsibility schemes established in the Waste Framework Directive, the producers of fishing gear would be expected to monitor fishing gear placed on the market and waste fishing gear deposited in appropriate port reception facilities and the subsequent waste treatment. Extended Producer Responsibility schemes to contribute to the cost of prevention, waste management, including clean-up of litter for the items that are not packaging such as cigarette filters, sanitary applications including wet wipes, drinks cups and lids, food containers, balloons. This option covers the current regulatory framework that includes measures and policies at EU level that have been recently adopted or proposed by the Commission. This option entails an increased focus in the existing legislation on items already covered today in separate collection schemes . packaging such as beverage bottles, bags and on fishing gear. It also includes the general expected changes in consumption for single use plastics items. Overall, there is a wide range of polices and instruments touching upon the issue of marine litter and plastics reflecting the wide range of sources, means of release and pathways of marine litter.
However, there is a gap between the problems identified, their drivers and the availability of legislative tools and measures that can effectively target the sources of marine litter. Existing legislation in its current form, even if fully implemented and enforced will not significantly reduce the harm caused by marine litter, and in particular does not target the most commonly found SUP items adequately. It also leaves a gap regarding the specific requirements related to fishing gear which could benefit from dedicated and well financed mechanisms supporting the needed specific waste and recycling streams. The recently adopted Plastics Strategy highlights the gaps in the current legal and policy framework to tackle marine litter and proposes targeted measures to improve the prevention, collection and recyclability of plastics, in particular, of plastic packaging. It also aims to develop a regulatory framework for plastics with biodegradable properties to prevent harm to ecosystems. It highlights the perspective of additional measures specifically on fishing gear. The European Chemicals Agency is preparing restriction dossiers for microplastic particles intentionally added to preparations, such as cosmetics, and the use of oxo-degradable plastics. Besides, the problem of micro-plastics for marine litter, the Strategy identifies single-use plastics as a specific problem for the marine environment. So far, the only product-focussed legal instrument specifically tackling a SUP item, the Plastic Bags Directive, has been a success in reducing consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags, while reducing related environmental impacts and stimulating reuse. Building on the success of this directive a similar, targeted, approach is now adopted for a wide range of other, specific single-use plastic products, which, like plastic bags, constitute the most littered items in the Union beaches. The measures
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