bans and reduction targets would induce a switch in consumption from single-use plastics either to multi-use Floral los angeles lakers nba summer vacation hawaiian shirt alternatives or to single-use non-plastic alternatives. The alternatives for the different SUP items are described in detail in Annex . For the other items, information and awareness raising actions aim to
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will also not address the specific costs of returning fishing gear waste, particularly for small ports and fishing operators. Nor will they promote the development of currently infrequent but needed specific waste management and recyclingre-use cycles supported by materials manufacturers. In conclusion, the existing waste acquis is not sufficiently focused and detailed to deal with the issue of marine litter in a systemic way, prioritising prevention both in terms of items covered and the measures across the value chain ,. upstream measures implementing the polluter-pays principle through product design, extended producer responsibility and information tools versus downstream waste management. To cover the full range of most relevant single-use items and deal with them in a targeted way , specific EU level legislation is needed to focus the Floral los angeles lakers nba summer vacation hawaiian shirt requirements of waste prevention, based on an item-by-item analysis and, where appropriate, addressing market access or consumption reduction, design features, labelling or specific EPR measures. for the effective participation in separate collection such as ‘pay as you throw’ schemes or for the return of containers in the form of deposit return schemes. These schemes lead to less marine litter by encouraging better waste management, are currently limited to a minority of EU countries. It also relates to complex products or packaging formats not designed for recyclability. Despite the removal of financial penalties for fishermen to bring gear ashore under the proposed revision of the Port Reception Facilities Directive, the effects of paying even indirect fees may not be sufficient as an incentive to completely exclude disposing of damaged gear at sea if storage space on board is at a premium. In addition, as the negotiations in the context of the recent proposal for the PRF Directive demonstrate, there is a significant risk that the obligation to set-up additional port reception facilities, in smaller or fisheries dependent fishing ports in particular, will lead to an increase of overall port fees.
Marine litter not only affects economic activities such as tourism and fisheries and entails substantial cleaning costs, hting against it also creates economic opportunities. Innovation in product design to avoid plastic litter and microplastics, but also investments for marine litter prevention . in waste and waste-water treatment, in port reception facilities or recycling of fishing nets can create jobs and strengthen technical and scientific skills and industry competitiveness in areas of growing global interest. The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive provides minimum requirements for the infrastructure for the collection and treatment of urban waste water and quality criteria for the treatment. However, this Directive is not effective with respect to the requirements on capture and treatment of storm water overflows and concerning microplastics, which are not covered by the directive. This is in particular an issue for flushed items such as plastic cotton bud sticks and sanitary applications for which the pathway into the sea is through sewage systems. The Water Framework Directive requires Member States to adopt programmes of measures to achieve good ecological status of the water bodies but it does not specifically require action against marine litter or as criteria against which GES should be assessed. Improvements in its implementation should be expected as a result of the new requirement to coordinate these programmes with those under the MSFD and Waste Framework Directive. Setting up an extended producer responsibility scheme for fishing gear containing plastic implies a cost which, if it were passed on to the fishing sector, would be marginal with regard to its overall turnover ≈. Experience shows that in competitive markets for fishing gear materials, of the material is imported producers tend to absorb all or part of the EPR scheme’s costs. It is therefore unlikely that the full cost of the EPR scheme would be passed on to fishing operators. In addition, current provisions under EU funding instruments, notably the EMFF, also allow Member States to finance actions leading to the reduction of the accumulation of lost fishing gear in the marine environment. This type of financial support, if taken in addition to the EPR would allow to offset initial costs of the above EPR scheme, both for producers, for local administrations, and for fishers. In practical terms, the
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