fishing gear, requirements on separation of waste material streams on boards and at ports will improve Floral baltimore ravens nfl summer vacation hawaiian shirt adherence to the waste hierarchy but will not directly address the issues around end destination and incentivisation of compliance. They
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comprises to give consideration, in the context of marine plastic litter and microplastics, to the definition of damage, the measure of damage, responsibility, who can claim and what remedial activities can be claimed for. would address the underlying drivers more adequately, as they go further to change consumer behaviour. Product design measures for drink bottles for tethered caps would have a direct impact on the leakage of caps into the environment. Reduction or ban of SUP items would have a positive impact on collection rates. In cases of items still leaking into the environment, damage would be mitigated when using alternatives, which are fully biodegradable under marine conditions. Well-functioning EPR schemes covering the full cost of littering crisp Floral baltimore ravens nfl summer vacation hawaiian shirt packets and sweet wrappers, together with cigarette filters, drink bottles, wet wipes sanitary towels and food containers would improve the management and infrastructure for collection and sorting, and address the market failure for this segment for which alternatives are currently limited. When combined with modulated fees, an EPR scheme could shift from SUP to reusable or single use alternatives, directly affecting the availability of plastics, and the linked consumer behaviour. In discussions around potential measures, the diversity of SUPs gave rise to a differentiated approach depending on whether plastic marine litter is the result of items that are being recycled, items for which more sustainable alternatives exist, or finally items for which there is no readily available alternative. For items already captured, strong interest was expressed in Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes, which were seen by many as highly effective. However, some did warn that such schemes are unable to address the leakage of plastics resulting from poor consumer behaviour towards recycling. Several respondents also referred to the success of deposit-return schemes . for bottles, although some recognised there are negative, and potentially disproportionate, economic implications for retailers.
Factors that were identified as crucial to the success of such schemes included the efficiency of existing waste management systems, consumer behaviour, local infrastructure, the item’s reuse potential, enforcement by Member States, as well as, EPR fees that are EU harmonised, consistent, scientifically reliable and allow for innovation. For items that could be replaced by more sustainable alternatives, retailers argued that this would be best achieved at a consumer level through awareness-raising and positive incentives. In decisions around substitute materials, priority should be given to materials that are readily recyclable. There was some caution towards the use of biodegradable plastics with several calling for clarity in the information provided and labelling for consumers. A number of respondents argued that the replacement of SUPs should be a priority, where no sustainable alternatives exist. Business representatives highlighted that any restrictions must take account of single market requirements and administrative burdens. This option has overall the highest potential impact on the reduction of the ALDFG contribution to marine litter. It builds on, complements and facilitates full implementation of action under option . It would underpin and facilitate full implementation of other instruments. In particular, it adds the specific support of a producer-financed dedicated mechanism targeting the collection and treatment of waste fishing gear as an additional incentive for the return and collection of waste fishing gear to port, which is already the object of both the Control Regulation and the revised Port Reception Facilities Directive. It can notably contribute to easing cost burdens for small scale ports andor fishing operators by ensuring that some or all of the costs linked to increased collection and treatment of litter from fishing gear in ports, and treatment beyond the framework of the PRF Directive, is taken over by the producers of fishing gear. market incentives will increase with the use of Extended Producer Responsibility to reduce the percentage of plastic bottles not collected and recycled. Further financial incentives to reduce consumption of lightweight plastic bags may be put in place. However, those incentives will not capture the full externalities. Regarding
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