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account equity as well as effectiveness, can facilitate strengthening the global response to climate change, achieving sustainable development and eradicating poverty . the SDG-connection as well as the associated confidence of the underlying literature was assessed. The strength of positive connections and negative connections trade-offs across all individual options within a sector see . are aggregated into sectoral potentials for the whole mitigation portfolio. The areas outside the bars, which indicate no interactions, have low confidence due to the uncertainty and limited number of studies exploring indirect effects. The strength of the The dark knight batman dc comic hawaiian shirt connection considers only the effect of mitigation and does not include benefits of avoided impacts. SDG is not listed because mitigation is being considered in terms of interactions with SDGs and not vice versa. The bars denote the strength of the connection, and do not consider the strength of the impact on the SDGs. The energy demand sector comprises behavioural responses, fuel switching and efficiency options in the transport, industry and building sector as well as carbon capture options in the industry sector. Options assessed in the energy supply sector comprise biomass and non-biomass renewables, nuclear, carbon capture and storage with bioenergy, and CCS with fossil fuels. Options in the land sector comprise agricultural and forest options, sustainable diets and reduced food waste, soil sequestration, livestock and manure management, reduced deforestation, afforestation and reforestation, and responsible sourcing. In addition to this ure, options in the ocean sector are discussed in the underlying report.
Adaptation options that also mitigate emissions can provide synergies and cost savings in most sectors and system transitions, such as when land management reduces emissions and disaster risk, or when low-carbon buildings are also designed for efficient cooling. Trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation, when limiting global warming to ., such as when bioenergy crops, reforestation or afforestation encroach on land needed for agricultural adaptation, can undermine food security, livelihoods, ecosystem functions and services and other aspects of sustainable development. Five integrative reasons for concern provide a framework for summarizing key impacts and risks across sectors and regions, and were introduced in the IPCC Third Assessment Report. RFCs illustrate the implications of global warming for people, economies and ecosystems. Impacts andor risks for each RFC are based on assessment of the new literature that has appeared. As in AR, this literature was used to make expert judgments to assess the levels of global warming at which levels of impact andor risk are undete moderate, high or very high. The selection of impacts and risks to natural, managed and human systems in the lower panel is illustrative and is not intended to be fully comprehensive. B… A wide range of adaptation options are available to reduce the risks to natural and managed ecosystems , ecosystem-based adaptation, ecosystem restoration and avoided degradation and deforestation, biodiversity management, sustainable aquaculture, and local knowledge and indigenous knowledge, the risks of sea level rise , coastal defence and hardening, and the risks to health, livelihoods, food, water, and economic growth, especially in rural landscapes , efficient irrigation, social safety nets, disaster risk management, risk spreading and sharing, and community-based adaptation and urban areas , green infrastructure, sustainable land use and planning, and sustainable water management . B… Model-based projections of global mean sea level rise relative to suggest an indicative range of . to . m by for . of global warming. m . . m less than for a global warming of . A reduction of . m in global sea level rise implies that up to million fewer people would be exposed to related risks, based on population in the year and assuming no adaptation . The urgent need to address climate change has become even clearer with the release of a major report in October by the world’s leading scientific body for the assessment of climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change . The IPCC warns that in order to avoid catastrophic global warming, we must not reach . above pre-industrial levels or at very minimum not exceed that. The report sets out the massive differences between the . and scenarios. D… Adaptation options that reduce the vulnerability of
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