A commenter proposed an exemption from public charge for all children up to age 18, indianapolis colts national football league ugly christmas sweater because such children are subject to child labor laws and in most cases still engaged in mandatory education.
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1182, DHS will at the time of adjudication of an adjustment of status application make a public charge inadmissibility determination consistent with the requirements of INA 212, 8 U.S.C. indianapolis colts national football league ugly christmas sweater 1182, and regulations promulgated through this rulemaking. Therefore, DHS removed the future-looking aspect of this condition and will not request applicants for an extension of stay or change of status to submit a Form I-944. Additionally, DHS made a technical edit to remove “currently receiving public benefits,” as the reference to the alien having “received” public benefits is sufficiently inclusive of receipt up to the date of adjudication. According to preexisting DHS regulations, an applicant must meet an eligibility requirement or a condition not only at the time of filing but also at the time of adjudication,
which renders superfluous the proposed text regarding “currently receiving public benefits.” Finally, because DHS has moved the public benefits receipt threshold from the public benefits definition to the public charge definition, DHS added the “for more than 12 months in the aggregate within any 36-month period ” threshold to the public benefits condition in the extension of stay and change of status provisions as well because the threshold applies to the receipt of public benefits in these provisions, as well. Many commenters stated that the rule should not apply to children, and that doing so would destabilize families, make children unhealthy or more likely than not to become a public charge as adults, and may cause some children to be excluded while the parent is admitted. Some commenters provided data on the number of children who would be impacted by the rule.
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